Friday 26 January 2007

Augrabies Falls Hotel Reviews Kalahari Air-Conditioning Handicapped Accommodation Self Catering Chalets Campsite Swimming Pool Canoeing Mountain Bike

Special features in the Augrabies National Park include viewing the falls, moon rock, Ararat, arrow point and echo corner. Ample Springbok, Klipspringer, Black Stork and Pigmy Falcon can be seen. A variety of accommodation is on offer and includes four-bedded family cottages with two bedrooms, a bathroom, air-conditioning and equipped kitchen. The Augrabies restcamp also offers bungalows for three to four persons with a bathroom (shower), air-conditioning and an equipped kitchen. There are two bungalows for handicapped persons and chalets equipped for self-catering are available. A campsite with communal ablution and kitchen facilities are also on offer as well as three swimming pools. Restcamp amenities include a shop, the Shibula Restaurant, Gariep Ladies Bar, public telephones and fuel. Activities include visiting the waterfall view point, game viewing, nature trails, potholes, moon rock, boat trips down the Orange river and the Gariep 3-in-1 route which includes mountain biking, canoeing and hiking. Night drives can also be arranged.
What did you think?

1 comment:

Betty said...

At Augrabies Falls, rooms with views have been upgraded recently so we had a room in centre of the park. Rooms large but rather clinical, food good. Plenty of water in Falls – lots of flat lizards and rock hyrax.