Wednesday 6 May 2009

Umlani Bush Camp Hotel Review Kruger South Africa Big Five Holiday Luxury Accommodation Lions Camp Nature Buffalo Pool Elephant


This bush camp, in Timbavati Private Nature Reserve, accommodates only 16 guests and provides the a secluded wilderness experience. Guests stay in authentic traditional African thatch and reed huts. Keeping with the theme of simplistic luxury, there is no electricity and hot water is provided by using wood fires; dinners are lit by candles and oil lamps. The bush camp has a pool and a bar that overlooks a waterhole and riverbed. Game-drives are staged twice a day (dawn and evening). You can view the Big Five (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino) here, as well as 40 mammal species and 350 bird species. There are optional early-morning guided walks with rangers and trackers.
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